Sunday 22 June 2014

Time to travel...

Kaylynn and I are meeting in BC later this week. Exciting stuff! I’m flying home from Ontario on Tuesday, and Kaylynn is driving from Calgary to BC on Wednesday. I’m looking forward to getting in the ocean water later this week, although it’s going to be mighty chilly. Still looking for a wetsuit… hopefully I will have one in hand soon. Kaylynn has done her first open water swim session… let’s just say it’s going to be an adventure trying to stay in the water for over 8 hours in July! We have time to get adjusted to the open water, but it’s going to be a chilly swim!

Thank-you to everyone who has donated so far to the cause through the Canadian Cancer Society and through Indiegogo! We really appreciate it. We’re still trying to come up with more fundraising ideas. I’m hoping to have a booth set up in one of the malls in Victoria for when we’re not swimming or eating or sleeping. Hopefully we can get t-shirts or something, and who knows… There may even be free food!

Free food = best

Next time we blog it will be from Victoria – can’t wait!



  1. Have a safe flight! And good luck with the fundraisers and swim! I'm rooting for you both!
